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Overwatch 2 new character Junker Queen!

Image Via Blizzard Entertainment

Make way for the queen of Junkertown! Blizzard has finally announced a new character and people have mixed opinions over her. The new Overwatch 2 character is Junker Queen, and she literally is, the queen of Junkertown. I'm going to talk about her and my opinions over her design.


Junker Queen in Overwatch 2

Junkrat and Roadhog are not my favorite characters to play, but sometimes, I get that itch that forces me to take over Junkrat so I can cause chaos by blowing people up. When Junker Queen was introduced she had already been teased on the Junkertown map. Her face was plastered all over on posters and you could even hear her voice when you pressed buttons around the town. Players already had a feeling she'd be included in the game, but since nothing happened, we all assumed she was an NPC. Blizzard has finally announced her arrival to Overwatch 2 coming October 4th, 2022.

Junker Queen Origins

Who is Junker Queen? Where did she come from? How does she know the other heroes of Overwatch? From what we know of so far, Junker Queen is a gladiator who ruled as champion of the scrapyard. This made her important in the town. She has a sour relationship between Junkrat and Roadhog due to them causing mayhem in her shop. They would blow up her stuff and steal her property, which resulted in Junker Queen telling them to never step foot on her property again, ouch! How she relates to the rest of the heroes?

We're not sure. Blizzard only teased her appearance. We aren't sure how she will mesh with the other characters or what her abilities are. She's going to be a new tank hero and will most definitely be using her axe and gun to hurt her opponents. It's also hinted that she will be able to recall her axe just like Roadhog is able to yank his own.

Junker Queen Opinions

I'm kind of over tank heroes if I'm being honest. I main as Sombra, Moira, & Widow, so a new tank hero, didn't impress me. It apparently isn't impressing the rest of the community as well since they are talking about her being a cut out copy of Apex Legends Mad Maggie. Mad Maggie joined the roster in February 2022 and is a heavily offensive character. In terms of character design, I mean come on, the two look alike. Similar build, similar style, I don't know, it's just weird how uncanny they look alike.

Junker Queen - Overwatch 2 Mad Maggie - Apex Legends

Will you be getting Overwatch 2? More information will be coming our way June 16 and maybe this means we will get new character announcements and maps?



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