Meet Jazmine
Hi everyone! My name is Jazmine. I am a social media manager and writer. I was introduced to marketing in 2015 where I started working with Marvel as a brand ambassador. Jump to 2019, and I have helped manage events, set up interviews for massive tech conventions, and drove consumers to, whichever client I am working with for that event, to create traffic on their social media sites.
My passion has always been and will always be GAMING. That's what this blog is about. To showcase games, learn about upcoming titles, and perhaps one day I will be working with a gaming company to write articles for them. ​
Some of my favorite video game franchises are Final Fantasy, The Sims, Pokemon, and much more. Enjoy this journey with me as I delve into the gaming world and give my opinions, offer insight on games, and entertain you through the art of word.